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Artist Profile: Tim Wohleber

There’s something so evocative about rustic twig furniture. It speaks of people using what is available to fill their needs for daily living. It speaks of nature and countryside, history and simple dwellings. At 15 Tim Wohleber, in a moment of boredom, was drawn to make a piece of twig furniture for his room. Little did he know that that decision would lead to a career as a woodworker.

Today he scours the Allegheny Highlands for his ironwood and rhododendrum materials and makes everything from beds to chairs to salt and pepper shakers. Just as it’s been said that every part of a pig is used for food except its oink, Tim looks to use all the offcuts of his wood. His latest design invention is beautifully irregular frames retaining the natural edge on the wood.

It’s a feat for any artist to make their living with their art and Tim combines shop time with being the onsite parent for his two boys. “This year is the first year that both kids are in school for 8 hours,” he notes giving me a more regular schedule of working in my shop.” Previously he would work the late night hours.

Don’t miss his work including some new designs, at Stop 8 at the soon-to-be-here and totally free Over The Mountain Studio Tour on November 9 and 10 . Studios will be open from 10-5. You can find a map at



  • Over the Mountain Studio Tour
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