By Tara Bell

With today’s climate, both politically and earthly, an artist can’t help but want to generate images, shapes, messages, or a beauty that matches our concern.
As an artist, our active hearts, our breaking hearts, our desire not to only be a bystander, inter plays with our medium.
Whether we want to reach out with our creations, or want to comfort or send a message to the observer, a sense of obligation comes as a result—an obligation to give to our community and our world the best way we know how through our art.
This week-end (June 1, 2019, 6-8 pm) The Bridge Gallery in Shepherdstown will feature a
celebration of birds by area artists. It’s titled “For the Birds” and will feature our feathered
friends in many ways through sculpture, lectures, the sale of wall art and plants.
Hopefully we will learn more about these marvelous creatures, appreciate their purpose within the complex eco-system of this planet, and become more aware of their beauty and spiritual significance in our own lives.