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Is Creativity Really a Window to the Soul?

It most likely is.

At our tour stop at Cool Spring Preserve, Linda posed the question: “Where do you express your creativity?” Participants were invited to write down and share their creative outlets, and to post them on the wall as a community project.

If this was an essay and not a blog, I would be doing some research right now about Palliative and Supportive Care or creating your soul in every moment, but I wouldn’t have to. We can see the writing on the wall as all people, in some ways, are creative, and are interested in the process and its healing ways. You do not have to be an artist, sculptor, blacksmith, basket maker, painter, potter, jeweler or wood worker to know this.

It is in our innate souls, all of us, and it is up to us to use it in wise and caring ways. It may be expression through cooking, as one nourishes family or the local homeless shelter, or through gardening, in food production, flowers for your neighbor, or through house cleaning and decorations for you and others to enjoy basking in. You can employ and appreciate the creativity of others when something resonates with you. One can paint abstract art to dive deeply in a sea of blue and find solace in a tiny red square placed there. A person can raise kittens, plant a seed, or sit in moonlight and write a poem…you are the creator of your own soul as long as you live...and perhaps beyond.

Almost all the tour stops had a community project. Liz Goins and I will collect pieces of these projects and put them up at Charles Town Library display case in early December. Thank you for visiting us, new and old. You mean the world to us. Have a nourishing Thanksgiving and change it around and make it filled with love and creativity.



  • Over the Mountain Studio Tour
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