Our Studio Tour folks are a strong community. But we miss each other. I want to write a long delayed blog about us as a whole, a group of people in isolation with anticipation for reinventing ourselves, getting back into production mode, (or not) and just experimenting without a deadline for any craft or gift show. Most of us got out of our studios and looked around. We are on the edge of spring, on the edge of thinking about getting together, but not yet. Some of us chomping at the bit, and others reluctant, wanting to spend time with family. Maybe we do meet, one at a time, on our porches or for a walk in the woods. But are we ready to set up a booth, invite everyone to come by? How about you? Are you ready for a craft show? We are dreaming up one in mid-summer, not at the community club this year…but where? Would you want to come? We will let you know…looks promising for some of us.

We gathered in a few Zoom meetings a while back, in the folds of winter, and oddly enough remembered we were a group. We talked about our virtual tour, and its successes and difficulties, and discovered how different we are this year. Some of us are moving on (Lisa Kovatch, Barbara Acker, Susan Shildmyer…good luck, dear friends) and we have our three new members we are excited to share in person. Pam and Ren Parziale and Anne Bowers (founding members) still amaze us with their dedication and work ethic. They are supportive, through thick and thin. Some of us are working with new media: weaving broom straw, melting metals, dipping into Earth Paints, tapping maple syrup, finding trees to carve into masterpieces, moving house, illustrating books. Just like you, with the virus, our gardens, with our families, with our making and moods, we have to adjust big time. It will be slow, as we figure out what to do. There is the conflict, misinformation, and decisions to contend with. We have to figure out when to surface, when to go, or not. Yet, some day, we will be there with you when we all meet again, excited to be out in the world, forever very different, but still here, on the edge.