Get a few artists in a room and soon you’ll hear laments that the local art scene is so fractured. We got a glimpse of how a community can unite around making art when 600 people participated in creating the two glowing Charles Town murals. It was fun, inspiring, energizing and best of all positive. There was room for every age and every skill. That’s what art can do.
I’ve been hearing about art sprouting in some new ways and new places. I’ve listed some new – and some older - opportunities to take or to teach classes. Other listings are potential exhibit or sales spaces. They range from a “gleam in the eye” to some that have been around a while but may not be well known.
Charles Town Library has lighted exhibit cases in their foyer and inside the library and they feature regular art exhibit. Contact Liz Goins at liddygoins21@hotmail.com.
Evolve a new pop-up space for rent by the day started by Jan Hafer. It’s at 106 W. German Street in S’town. Contact janhafer52@gmail.com.
Fire Hall Gallery: Exhibit space in Charles Town. Contact Judy Chesley at jchesley@frontiernet.net
New Day Art Center in Martinsburg: Classes and a free weekly Open Studio to bring your project and work on it in community. 304-268-4046
Potomac Valley Audubon Society has Joy Bridy organizing art classes. Check out their website www.potomacaudubon.org for when they come online.
Rivers Studio and Gallery in Harpers Ferry showcases quality sculptural and functional fine art in clay, metal and wood and offers various classes and workshops. Check out their website at riversstudioandgallery.com
Shenandoah Planing Mill: Another “gleam in the eye” possibility for a wood related community. If interested contact either John Van Vliet, Amanda Van Vliet at 304-576 7239
South Jefferson Library in Summit Point has regular art exhibitions in their community roomy. 304-725-6227.
Southwood Farm Forge in Kearneysville: Master blacksmith Eric Johnson is preparing to start a beginners class in August Contact him at enjblacksmith@frontier.com.
Washington Street Studios and Front Porch Gallery in Harpers Ferry offers shared studio memberships which also make the member eligible for the Front Porch Gallery. There are pottery classes and wider ranging workshops like precious metal clay, brushmaking, etc. Email washingtonstreetstudiosinc@gmail.com, 240-586-1126.
Yarnability in Charles Town: lots of classes for beginner to advanced and even a knit clinic to solve knitting crises. Yarnability.com
And the best sprout of all? There’s a rumor more Charles Town murals may be in the offing! If you know of more opportunities, please let us know in the comment section.